Transforming disconnected teams into high-performing healthy teams

Neolé offers facilitated team building and

team development workshops and retreats.

Our clients are organizations that care about their people, and want to empower them to excel as creative thinkers, problem solvers and collaborative leaders.

Our suite of team building activities and PD workshops are led by our own team of expert facilitators. In addition to the Team Charter workshop for hybrid and remote teams and their leaders, we offer interactive sessions focused on providing the knowledge, tools and skills for enhanced creativity, collaboration, and wellbeing.


Our training can be delivered in a virtual, in-person or hybrid format.

Training can be structured to meet your unique needs from 2-hour training sessions to 4-day retreats. Consider combining courses for additional impact. Whatever the format, we ensure participation, engagement and success!

Facilitated Team Building Workshops

Team Charter

The Team Charter Workshop starts the important conversation about hybrid and remote workplace arrangements and gets team members and leaders on the same page. Participants define their team values and brainstorm their priorities for how they will work together in a remote or hybrid workplace. Their consensus decisions are recorded in a Team Charter, a living document shared by the team and which is revisited regularly.

The Innovative Team Mindset

Participants will learn about their own thinking style and become aware of their team’s psychological diversity. The training will help participants from your organization develop the thinking skills necessary to innovate and collaborate as creative problem-solvers.

This course includes the FourSight self-assessment and Team Report.

Creative Problem Solving Skills & Tools

Participants will learn how to apply a structured process for solving complex problems in their organization. They will be coached to effectively utilize innovative creative thinking strategies and tools. 

This course includes the Creative Problem-Solving Tool Deck.

How To Stay Smart

Whether your employees are young or nearing retirement, their eating habits have a direct impact on their ability to maintain their focus, perform under stress, make smart decisions, avoid sick days and maintain high energy and a good mood throughout the workday, all without the need for supplements or excessive caffeine. This training helps people make conscious choices to improve their eating habits and optimize their cognitIve performance.

Work-Life Balance

Poor work boundaries can lead to burnout, and burnout has a ripple
effect on both the team and the organization – increasing the amount of sick days, turnover, and overall stress. It’s time to set some healthy work life boundaries! This solution-focused workshop is for leaders and their teams who want to be brave about setting work boundaries while improving performance, efficiency and high quality work.



What to expect when you book a free consultation.

We customize our workshops to your unique situation and the needs of your team and organization. During the free consultation, we will ask you about your organization and team, and your best hopes for the type of transformation your team would benefit from.

Online & Blended Learning For Leaders and their Teams

Strengthening Leaders and Energizing Teams

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at work and in life.

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© Neolé 2024

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Strengthening Leaders and Energizing Teams

© Neolé 2024